Calf scours

Calf scours treatment

Diarrhoea or scour is the most common disease of young calves, accounting for around 50% of all losses during the first few weeks of life1. Studies have shown that preventing scour can lead to significantly improved growth rates, reduced mortality at six months of age and stronger, more robust calves1.

  • Whilst scour can result from dietary causes, infectious scour is common. Monitoring scour can identify when intervention and treatment is needed.

    The most common scale is 1 to 4 with:
    1. being normal, fairly solid;
    2. being normal, soft but still fairly formed;
    3. is abnormal, runny and not formed;
    4. is abnormal, liquid or watery. Anything with scores 3 or 4 should be treated immediately.
  1. 1 Morrison (2013) Veterinary Ireland Journal 3:264-268.